Drama Ensues as Catherine Kusaira Fails to Spell ‘Advisor’ Infront of Bajjo Live on Television


There was drama on Busoga based Television station, Baba TV as Presidential Advisor and singer Catherine Kusasira failed to put the two words that define the position which she was accorded by the president of Uganda (Presidential Advisor) correctly after being put on the spot by Jokey events promoter Andrew Bajjo of Bajjo Events.

Presidential Advisor Catherine Kusasira

She was first tasked to spell the word ‘Advisor’ and despite another chance of rectifying her first wrong attempt, she couldn’t pass by the red lights.

On her first attempt, Kusasira confidently spelt the ‘Advisor’ as ‘Advesor’ before worsening the matters when she added on that she had missed an ‘r’ between ‘e’ and ‘s’ to make it ‘Adversor’ and spelling ‘Presidential’ as ‘Presidencial’.

Andrew Bajjo

This didn’t came in as a troll but an invitation from Catherine’s own words last week when she advised the people of Nakawa not to stoop themselves so low to the point of voting uneducated people like Andrew Mukasa a.k.a Bajjo into office.

It should be noted that Bajjo wants to contest for mayorship in Nakawa division and has already started his journey into campaigns to become the next mayor of Nakawa.