4 foods you shouldn’t miss eating before sex


In most cases the foods we eat during day determine our performance during sex. It was recently discovered that eating certain types of foods especially aphrodisiacs right before sex can spice up your session and make your cravings longer.

NANCY VALEV of Bustle lists down 4 foods both men and women should always eat before getting in them sheets.

1 – Watermelon

Increasing research has been suggesting that watermelon can act like a natural Viagra in the body. Bhimu Patil, PhD, told WebMD that this is because of a nutrient called citrulline, which boosts nitric oxide and relaxes the blood vessels, mirroring the effects of drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. And of course, women directly benefit too any time increased circulation comes into the picture, we’re talking more energy and more pleasure-inducing endorphins.

2 – Avocado

As if we didn’t obsess over avocados enough, here’s one more reason to praise this heavenly fruit of green goodness. According to The Global Healing Center, because they’re so high in folic acid, they can quickly break down protein and give you that immediate, long-lasting, and healthy energy boost you need for sexual stamina. They also contain what The American Heart Association calls the good fat (monounsaturated fat), which optimizes hormone production. And according to the Modern Medicine Network, hormones contribute to improving overall sexual function for both sexes.

Also Read: 6 foods that will Vamp up your Sex life

Also Read: 4 Reasons you should eat plenty of Watermelon

3 – Dark Chocolate

My fellow chocoholics out there in the world, as we all know chocolate is love and love is chocolate. It’s been long hailed as the classic melt-in-your-mouth sensual treat that can get you in the mood. But for the ultimate healthy sexual benefits, make sure you’re opting for dark chocolate, because that’s where phenylethylamine (PEA) likes to chill.

Dark chocolate is packed with this compound (PEA), according to Psychology Today’s Anneli Rufus, which is the endorphin released in the brain that triggers those warm lovey-dovey feelings. It also helps optimize levels of dopamine, which as Slate’s Bethany Brookshire puts it is the molecule behind all our most sinful behaviors and secret cravings; most notably because it elevates mood and pleasure, it’s definitely something you’ll be wanting plenty of in the bedroom.

4 – Nuts

Nuts are also aphrodisiacs, according to Reader’s Digest, that hold a variety of nutritional benefits for sex. And there are so many to choose from! For example, as chef and raw food expert Alex Malinsky explained in NaturalNews, cashews and almonds contain significant amounts of zinc, which we’ve learned is the mineral we definitely want to load up on. And according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, like fish, walnuts are especially high in omega-3. And as we also learned, omega-3 is great for helping with sexual response because of that increase in dopamine production.