Imagine a Uganda with Zuena as President?


Of course Bebe Cool would be the first husband, the vice president of the country and at the same time take up more ministerial posts. With Zuena as President of Uganda, we really don’t know what her kind of leadership would look like.

Zuena shocked everyone during the Life of Bebe Cool press conference when she revealed her plans to slot up in the presidential race for 2021. Such a brave move it is but question is; can she stand a chance in the race? will she be able to even make it through the nominations? maybe she’s confident she will.

Meanwhile, Bebe Cool is a very supportive husband and always believes in his wife. He was left with nothing but to encourage her and give her hope. Bebe Cool reveals his biggest investment is his family, Zuena’s aspiration could be one of the ideas worth investing in. Would you elect Zuena as President of Uganda? Please share your views below.